Ten Signs That You Need To Remove Your Tree


Knowing the signs of fatal tree distress is necessary. Learn the symptoms that indicate that you may need to have your tree removed.

1. Crumbling Bark

Crumbling bark is a sign that the tree is rotting from the outside in. Since most of the tree's vascular system is just beneath the bark layer, the loss of the bark often means the beginning of the end for your tree. Keep in mind, though, that some trees like the paper birch naturally shed outer bark layers, so consult with a tree service before making a final decision.

2. Cavities

When the heartwood of a tree rots, you may not be aware of the issue unless a cavity forms. In this case, the tree may still appear healthy, but a slow death has already begun. It can be hastened if animals or insects invade the open cavity. Trees with cavities are also more likely to fall during a storm.

3. Trunk Bulges

Bulges form on trunks for many reasons. Some bulges simply indicate that an insect or bacteria caused an issue and the tree healed over it. Maples, for example, are prone to these bulges or burls. Bulges may indicate a more severe problem only if there are other signs of tree decline, particularly fungal issues or increased insect activity.

4. Extensive Deadwood

Look up at the canopy. If multiple large branches are dead or dying or if more than a third of the canopy appears dead, then it may be time to remove the tree. A tree service can determine the cause of the major dieback and determine if the tree can be saved or not.

5. Fungus Issues

Often, it is too late once a tree's fungal issues become visible. If you spot mushrooms growing out from the trunk or the base of the tree, then extensive fungal bodies have already begun breaking down the roots or the heartwood of the tree. Removal is usually the only option.

6. Cracking or Splitting

Cracks or splits running up the trunk severely weaken a tree. The trunk typically can't heal back together, so there is little that can be done to repair the tree, so removal is usually the only option.

7. Extensive Holes

A lot of small holes on a trunk means one of two things. Either insects are burrowing into the trunk and causing damage or birds like woodpeckers are making holes so they can feed on an extensive insect infestation. Both issues may mean that the tree either needs to be treated or removed.

8. Churned Soil

Check out the soil around the base of your tree after a storm. If it's churned up, then there was major trunk and root movement from the wind. Remove the tree now before it topples over.

9. Girdling

Girdling happens when a strip of bark is removed around the entire trunk. A tree can't survive major girdling, so the canopy will eventually die off. Girdling can also occur when a rope is tied around a trunk and left there until it cuts through the bark.

10. Foliage Die-off

Severe foliage die-off is typically the result of a fungal, bacterial, or viral pathogen. Some can be cured with prompt treatment. If not, then removal is a must so that the infection doesn't spread.

Contact a tree removal service for more assistance. 


10 June 2020

Improving The Look Of Our Trees

After we moved into our house, we knew that something had to be done about our trees. The branches looked off-kilter, and we could tell that someone had pruned them incorrectly at one time or another. Unfortunately, we weren't really sure how to repair the damage. A family friend talked with us about hiring a professional tree trimmer, and so we called them the next day. The difference that they made was astounding. They removed dead branches, trimmed up the shape, and let more sunlight through. My blog is all about improving the look of your trees by hiring a professional.