5 Things To Consider When Deciding To Have A Tree Removed


Tree diseases can be a major problem for homeowners and gardeners, affecting the health and beauty of their landscapes. When a tree is diagnosed with a disease, it can be difficult to determine whether to remove it or treat it. Read on to learn more about a few factors that should be considered when making this important decision.

Type of Disease

The type of disease that the tree is suffering from is a crucial factor in determining the best course of action. Some diseases, such as verticillium wilt or Dutch elm disease, are incurable and will ultimately result in the death of the tree. In these cases, it's best to remove the tree — and in some jurisdictions, you may legally be required to have all parts of the tree properly disposed of to prevent spreading the disease to nearby trees. 

On the other hand, some diseases can be treated effectively, such as leaf spots, powdery mildew, and fireblight. In these cases, it may be possible to save the tree with the right treatment plan.

Stage of Disease

 The stage of the disease is also important in determining whether to remove the tree or treat it. If the disease is in an early stage, there may be a better chance of saving the tree with proper treatment. However, if the disease has progressed significantly, it may be too late to save the tree and removal may be the best option.

Location of Tree

The location of the tree should also be taken into consideration when deciding whether to remove it or treat it. If the tree is in a prominent location, such as a front yard, it may be worth treating the tree to preserve its beauty and value. On the other hand, if the tree is in a remote location, removal may be the most practical option.

Cost of Treatment

The cost of treatment should also be considered when making a decision. Treating a diseased tree can be expensive, especially if professional services are required. If the cost of treatment is prohibitive, it may be more economical to remove the tree and replace it with a healthier one.

Future Health of Tree

When deciding whether to remove a diseased tree or treat it, it's important to consider the tree's future health. If the tree is unlikely to recover, even with treatment, it may be best to remove it to prevent it from becoming a hazard in the future. Additionally, watching a tree languish and slowly die can be emotionally draining for all members of your household. 

Your local residential tree removal service can provide you with more information on when it's time to remove a tree.


14 February 2023

Improving The Look Of Our Trees

After we moved into our house, we knew that something had to be done about our trees. The branches looked off-kilter, and we could tell that someone had pruned them incorrectly at one time or another. Unfortunately, we weren't really sure how to repair the damage. A family friend talked with us about hiring a professional tree trimmer, and so we called them the next day. The difference that they made was astounding. They removed dead branches, trimmed up the shape, and let more sunlight through. My blog is all about improving the look of your trees by hiring a professional.