Why Use Tick Control Services In Your Yard?


Don't assume that you'll only ever come into contact with ticks when you take a walk in woods or parks. These insects are also found in home gardens. If you think you have ticks in your yard, then it's worth hiring a local tree or gardening service that offers tick control services. How does this service work? Why should you use it? How Do Tick Controls Work?  Your contractor will run through various stages during a tick control visit.

27 June 2023

Trimming A Flowering Tree? Follow These Tips


Do you have a flowering tree in your yard? If so, you will want to prune the tree regularly. Regular pruning will not only help keep the tree a compact and attractive shape, but will also help ensure it flowers evenly. Plus, some flowering trees are prone to disease, and trimming gives you a chance to remove any diseased branches before the disease can spread. So, how do you go about trimming a flowering tree?

6 June 2023

Cultivating Elegance: A Guide To Caring For Katsura Trees


Originating from Japan and China, the Katsura (Cercidiphyllum japonicum) tree is a sight to behold. Famous for their medium-sized, heart-shaped leaves and autumn colors ranging from light apricot to clear red, these trees bring an oriental accent to any garden. As if these visual aesthetics weren't enough, Katsura leaves also produce a scent that's described as being like caramel, cotton candy, or toffee. If you've recently purchased a home with one or more Katsura trees in the yard, you may have some questions about their care and maintenance.

12 May 2023

Different Tree Removal Methods: Choosing The Right Approach


Tree removal is sometimes necessary to maintain the safety, health, and aesthetics of a property. Whether a tree is dead, diseased, damaged, or simply in an undesirable location, it's essential to choose the right tree removal method to ensure a safe and efficient process. Here are various tree removal methods and their unique features. Felling Felling is the traditional method of tree removal, involving cutting down a tree in a single piece.

24 April 2023

How To Tell If Animal Damage Is Fatal To The Tree


Neighborhood wildlife may often be harmless, but in some instances, animals can cause fatal damage to your trees. Assessment is necessary to determine if the tree must be removed or if it can be saved from the nuisance of animals. Trunk Girdling Girdling occurs when a strip of bark is torn off that completely or near-completely encircles the trunk. Once girdled, nutrient flow is interrupted a tree begins to die. Larger animals, like deer, can cause girdling around the lower and mid-sections of the trunk.

5 April 2023

Need To Remove A Tree? Hire A Tree Removal Service


If you have a tree that needs to be removed from your property, you should hire a tree removal service to do this for you. Below is information on how to prepare for the company, as well as how they remove trees.  Preparing for Tree Removal There are many things you need to do to prepare for tree removal. Make sure the company has access to the tree by removing vehicles from the driveway, moving lawn furniture, and anything else you may have in your yard.

14 March 2023

5 Things To Consider When Deciding To Have A Tree Removed


Tree diseases can be a major problem for homeowners and gardeners, affecting the health and beauty of their landscapes. When a tree is diagnosed with a disease, it can be difficult to determine whether to remove it or treat it. Read on to learn more about a few factors that should be considered when making this important decision. Type of Disease The type of disease that the tree is suffering from is a crucial factor in determining the best course of action.

14 February 2023