5 Benefits Of Trimming Your Trees


Tree trimming is a task that often gets overlooked by property owners. However, the trees surrounding your home need attention in order to stay healthy and beautiful. Getting your trees pruned at least once a year is definitely worth the investment. Here are five benefits of trimming your trees: It Can Improve the Health of Your Trees One of the most important benefits of tree trimming is how much healthier it will make your trees.

8 December 2015

Learning More About Oak-Root Fungus And Your Trees


Armillaria, commonly known as oak-tree fungus or shoestring root rot, is an incurable tree disease that seems to prefer wide-leafed hardwood trees like oaks. However, root rot has been found to infect conifer trees as well like spruces and firs. Learning more about how to identify oak-root fungus can help you prevent it from infecting your healthy trees. Some Mushrooms Are Symptoms Of Oak-Root Fungus During cooler, mild weather, the mushrooms associated with oak-root fungus begin to produce.

5 December 2015

Four Mistakes To Avoid When Trimming Your Trees


In order to save some money, you may be considering pruning your own trees instead of hiring a professional. Effective DIY pruning is possible, but many homeowners are not satisfied with their results because they make one or more of these errors: Pruning too late in the season. Most trees should be trimmed in the late winter before the buds appear, because they are dormant during this time. If you prune after this, the tree will have to expend more energy to put out the buds that are only to be trimmed off.

27 November 2015

Deciding On Which Method To Use When Removing A Stump


Stumps can be visually interesting if left in place, but if you'd rather replace your stump with something else or simply plant more grass, you will need to remove it. Stumps can be a hazard because grass and other plants can conceal the stump and make it easier to trip over them. There are several approaches to removing a stump, but all of these methods are inferior to using a stump grinder.

19 November 2015

A Closer Look At Tree Planting Mistakes To Avoid As A Homeowner


Strolling through the local landscape and garden center, you will no doubt come across many beautiful trees that you would like to take home and add to your property. While the right trees can add value to your home and aesthetic appeal to your property, the wrong trees can grow to become an all-out nightmare. Unfortunately, planting a tree is a lot easier than taking one down, so if you plant a tree that later becomes a nuisance, you may not have a choice but to hire a professional tree service to help you out.

18 November 2015

3 Tree Diseases That Strike Willow Trees – And How To Prevent Damage


Willows are wide, majestic trees with dripping green leaves and sturdy, visible root structures. A willow can add a great deal of visual interest to any yard with the proper care and attention. Though beautiful, willows are also susceptible to tree diseases that can tarnish that beauty. Here are a few of the common diseases that strike willow trees – and how to prevent damage. Crown Gall The bacterium-brought disease crown gall can cause knobby tumors to grow on your willow tree's bark.

12 November 2015

Why You Should Hire A Professional Tree Removal Company


Whether you have a bunch of trees or just one that needs to be removed from your property, you might want to think about hiring a quality tree removal service instead of trying to do it yourself. To help you understand the importance of hiring a professional for this type of task, you will want to check out the following points. They Can Haul Away The Wood For You Dealing with the aftermath of a tree removal project can be a little messy, especially if you are not sure what to do with all of the leftover tree trunks and branches.

12 November 2015

2 Ideas For Camouflaging An Ugly, Old Tree Stump In Your Yard


If you have an ugly, old tree stump in your yard, you may have grown weary of having to look at it every time you go outside. If so, consider using one of the two ideas below for camouflaging the eyesore and making it a functional part of your landscape. Create A Raised Flower Bed Over The Stump One way to camouflage the stump is to create a raised flower bed on top of it.

6 November 2015

3 Tips For Pruning Young Trees


Trees are a beautiful addition to any piece of property. Since they are so valuable, it is important that you keep them safe from an early age. Careful tree pruning is imperative to their health and well-being. Unfortunately, many people don't know what they are doing when it comes to pruning their trees and end up causing more harm than good. Improper pruning can end up making the tree unstable and diminishing its lifespan.

5 November 2015

Removing Your Tree Stump Naturally


If you have a tree in your yard that is dead, dying, or a hazard to your home, you must consider removing it. However, the tree removal process is the easy part. The hard part comes when it is time to remove the tree stump. They are extremely hazardous to the yard because they can be tripped on, run over with the lawn mower, and encourage pests to make your yard their home.

4 November 2015